Owner/Breeder: Ruxandra Levado
Magnolise Exotic Touch of Jasmine
Jasmine at 9 months 10 days old.
At three and a half months old.
Jasmine winning her second major, a 4 point, handled by Lorelei Bayless. She won her first major handled by me at our third show;
the Papillon Specialty in Orlando, 2008. Immediately afterwards I decided to send her with Lorelei because I was showing only on
Sundays at the shows near by, which were too seldom.
However, after the win below I changed my mind and I told Lorelei to stop showing her further. I missed and wanted to finish
my little girl myself. I met with Lorelei at the dog show in Savannah, GA where Jamine won again, this time handled by her momma.

Jasmine loves, loves to run and she is very motivated, whatever feeds her drive. Chasing squirrels is her
favorite sport. You can tell she would never hurt them, she chases them with a smile all the way to her ears.
The funniest part is to watch her trying to climb the trees. I honestly think she would LOVE to be a squirrel!
She has a cuddling side as well. She is very, very loving. When she is in loving mood, she doesn't take no for
an answer. She pushes her face under my hand until I start loving on her. That's my girl! Push your way
because mommy can get too busy at times and miss what matters most in this life.
Jasmine is also VERY obedient. I will share a beautiful, touching story at a later time.
The only thing I would change about her, she inherited from her mom a triple portion of continuous high pitch
sounds when she plays. Imagine a non talented person giving their everything to sing opera, and you get a
pretty accurate picture of Jasmine's vocals when she gets excited. How do I deal with her vocal talent?
"Jasmine PLEASE, quiet!!!"She knows I don't like it, but she can't help it. I have to accept that nobody is perfect.

Baby Jasmine getting the first taste of milk, at a few minutes old, as soon as I removed her sac and I fixed her umbilical cord... for the first time in my life :)
At three weeks old, after getting her first bath. Their eyes are still foggy/bluish, at this age.
From left to right: Julian, Jasmine, Juno - my first litter of puppies.
At two months old with her brother Juno, doing what puppies are best at doing.
At three months old, entering the ugly-duckling stage. (On the left Raven, also in the ugly duckling stage). Most people don't think they are ugly at all, but it is definitely the ugliest stage in a Papillon's life as not only the head goes through the elongated shape, they also loose their fluffy puppy coat, which is gradually replaced by the silky, adult coat.
With her mother who is shading her coat. Moms loose almost 90% of their coat after each litter, just like women loose lots of hair after having a baby. The coat fills back in within a few months. On the left her brother Juno is busy digging.
In the photos below Jasmine was taking a break from her babies, to play. The coat on the tummy needs to get trimmed so the babies can nurse properly and not get tangled.
I will share another interesting story which provides me further confirmation that God is the One blessing my girls to whelp
with no effort (none of my girls had any difficulty whelping their offspring).
Both Jasmine and her mom Neola, whelped exactly on the 61st day from the first mating. Like a clock. Even when I bred
them both to Taz, the boy I flew from Sweden for a week, I bred the girls to him 12 hours apart, and they whelped their
first puppy exactly 12 hours apart, both on the 61st day from the first mating.
A few years later, while Jasmine was pregnant with her third litter, I drove with all of my Paps all the way to Louisiana to
help my friend Carolyn because she was scheduled to have surgery. Since I was making the trip I decided to also make her
house beautiful. That has been something I've been wanting to do since she first moved. I gave myself two weeks to
perform all the projects, planning to drive back to Florida on Sunday, a day prior of Jasmine's whelp date ( on the day 60
from the mating).
However, as hard as I tried, even with working straight 48 hours towards the end, I still did not manage to finish all of the
projects on time (the strength alone was an obvious blessing). Returning at a later time to finish was not an option as
Carolyn lived 600 miles away. Staying over until Jasmine whelped was also not an option because Carolyn's daughter, with
her husband, were coming over from another state for the holidays and she only had two bedrooms.
I decided to stay the extra day and finish the entire project, then drive home on Monday, which should have been Jasmine's
day of whelping. I figured I will hold her on my lap while driving and pull over when she would start having contractions.
We got on the road a few hours prior to Carolyn's daughter arrival, with all of the projects accomplished.
Very much gratefully, we made it home without Jasmine having any contractions. I figured she will whelp during the night,
which I dreaded because I was overly tired. I unpacked some and we went to sleep holding Jasmine at my right side so I
could feel her belly. However, we slept through the night, and we only woke up at noon the second day. Exactly half an
hour later, Jasmine whelped quickly and smoothly two girls and a boy. The experience has been another building block in
my unshakable faith in God. How could I possibly not trust Him through every season?
Jasmine right after whelping her first litter of puppies, at close to two and a half years old (yes, she is in my bed). I took
this photo to show she did not need C-section to deliver her puppies. Since all of my girls are easy free whelpers, I think
this is an area God has been blessing because I care for His creatures.
Jasmine is a very light girl, weighing only 5 lbs at 10" at the withers. While I was showing her, I was talking ring side
one day with Pat Blackburn, who is an old time breeder. Based on Jasmine's thin frame I've been told she will most likely
need C-section if I will decide to breed her. I know it's been an honest statement and correct according to the 'math'. It
did make me extremely nervous about breeding her, fearing complications and possibly loosing her.
However, when God wants something to happen, it will happen. Most interesting, Jasmine barely showed she was
pregnant until the very end, when her nipples enlarged. I would have never thought she had THREE puppies in her tiny
belly! Not only she didn't show, she didn't behave like a pregnant girl until the very last hours. She was chasing squirrels,
acting like she wasn't even pregnant. Then, towards the evening she passionately started to dig in front of the house,
which was no longer a normal habit. That prompted me to take her temperature, which was dropped. I knew her pups were
due any minute. However, not yet according with Jasmine's behavior. Back inside, she resumed acting like in any other day.
She whelped her puppies in the morning, pushing twice for the first pup, a few seconds apart. The other two pups came out
sliding at once and she was done whelping withing a half an hour. The process didn't even tire her, it all happened so fast
and smoothly! It left me feeling so grateful and relieved! Below momma and her newly borns.
Jasmine is very easy to photograph and looks good from every angle. She naturally stacks perfectly square. If she's running and you suddenly call her to stop, she stops perfectly square.
Debbie, if you see this page, this is the squeaky egg you gave Juno. It lasted a looooong time!
I am reviewing the page now, in 2017, with tears streaming down my face. Jasmine moved with my very special friends, Jack and Reetha, a few years ago. Back then I thought I had it in me to keep a new generation of girls but it collapsed in an emotional breakdown.
Navigating the focus back on my girls, my prayer at the time was that each one of them will move in the same home where I retired their maternal mommas so the move could be as gentle as possible on them.
God answered my prayer exactly, which is my treasured share of comfort. Jasmine is now reunited with her mom Neola (Am Ch Zkarabi's Bon Soir) and Nono, her son from her first litter. Jack and Reetha have three generations of my Paps and very much my heart.
Pictured below is the trio together; son, mom and grandma. From left to right: Jasmine, Nono and Neola.