Spayed and living with Susan and Donald Kutz
Raven's personality is exactly the way she looks; feminine, sweet and obedient. Obedience comes to her naturally, she never does anything
wrong. At all. I don't even recall when I last told her a 'don't' or 'why did you'.
Playing wise, just like her daughter Melody, she never initiates playing unless you want to play with her. She is the epitome of sweetness
and cuddling. When she does play, she plays very delicately and feminine. She lowers her chest on her front paws and wags her tail up high,
jumping like a bunny :) I would have to record her so people could understand what I mean.
Where Raven differs from Melody; Melody would only sit on my own lap, while Raven jumps in anybody's lap if we have company.
To Raven it makes no difference if she sees somebody for the first time or if there is somebody she already knows, as long as I am also in
the room. Any lap she sees available, she goes for it, and most describe her as molding softly and comfortable after their lap.
I remember when she first came from Sweden. She seemed to be confused until I took her in my lap. The next moment it felt like a light
bulb turned on in her mind. She was suddenly so content, she would have bathed in the lap forever. Not quite the norm for a Papillon puppy.
When I do computer work, I'm usually laying in bed in my bedroom. I have a doggie door installed there too, so the pups can go potty
without me having to go out of my way to let them out. I also enjoy a beautiful view as I have sliding doors on both opposite walls of the
bedroom with a small pond and waterfall on one side, and a fountain on the other side, in a beautiful forest like settings (all in a very
modest neighborhood). However, the surroundings feel so soothing, my bedroom is my favorite place to do computer work.
Raven is always under my left arm, sometimes wanting to be so close, I have to push her every now and then so I could type, often having
to settle by laying my arm on top of her, and supporting my elbow on the pillow. However, when I look around and I see their sweet faces,
my heart melts, and I do it effortlessly.
Another area Raven differs by her daughter, is her eating habits. While Melody is the reason I had to put an end to free feeding, Raven
doesn't like to eat with the others because she doesn't like too much excitement. She is watching from a distance until all of them settle
down. Afterwards she is looking at me waiting for her dish, and she takes her time to start eating, one kibble at a time, often eating in
sessions, with minutes brakes in between.
Barking wise, she will bark if somebody knocks at the door. Other than that she is very calm.
*By the time I published the website, I decided to let Raven move with my dearest friends, Susan and Donald, who are also the adoptive
parents of Raven's daughter, Roxy. The remodeling process was not easy on Raven. Having to labor on our home from morning to night
took an obvious toll on her. The other Paps adapted because they are so much into playing. The more noise I make with the tools, the more
excited they are. However, Raven missed her cuddles, which made me feel sad and frustrated because I only had one pair of hands.
I chose to totally overlook her importance in my breeding program and certainly, the financial gain. I spayed her and I placed her with
Susan who had been in love with her since she had first seen her, three years prior. Later, Susan and Donald also opened their arms to
Melody, which has been the answer to my prayer for Melody. My share of comfort is that all of my girls are retired and re-united with their
daughter they bonded most and are the Apple of my friends' eyes. Thank you God for their happiness!

She is very easy to photograph. I didn't have to go through all of the pictures I've been taking, she is photogenic from every angle.
Pictures taken at 14 1/2 months old.
Doing what she loves most. Sleeping on my lap at 3 1/2 months old.
Three days shy of being three months old.
Raven on the left (close to five months old) and Jasmine on the right (at three months old). Both are in the ugly-duckling stage; Jasmine was entering the stage, while Raven was starting to blossom into the beautiful butterfly.
Going through the ugly-duckling stage, a few days shy of being five months old.
Raven at 18 days oldand grown-up in the photo on the right.
Raven at 10 days old. How unmerciful time is...