Owners: Jo Davidson-Poston - UK Co-owner: Carine Reuten - Holland Jo Davidson-Poston and Ruxandra Levado in US Breeder: Ruxandra Levado
Tiago is solely owned by Jo in UK and co-owned by Carine Rutten. I only maintained co-ownership in US so he would not get into the wrong hands in case something would happen to Jo or Carine.
I just received from Tiago's mom his list with achievements (detailed updates at a later time...):
Multiple BEST OF BREED and GROUP placings in UK, Holland, Germany and Belgium
Multiple CHAMPION STAKES placings
The list also came accompanied by a Win Critique given by the esteemed judge Toni Jackson: "Phalene, Cracking Showman, really worked
hard for his handler, never put a foot wrong.Lovely Shaped Skull, & good eye and pigmentation, in excellent coat and glamorous feathering,
excellent angulation & firm back with & with very high set tail, moves very well."
Jo is a lovely person I came to know closer in 2008, Juno being the first channel of our correspondence. While we did talk Papillons,
most often I was more moved about her struggles, as she is a mom of three wonderful children and she is suffering from Severe Raynauds,
Ehler Danlos Type 3, and Myalgic Encephalomyelitis. Knowing she is showing hurting, I was often more concerned about her well being and
safety, prompting me to just glance over the win news she shared with me.
Only today, when working on Tiago's page, I went to her website to gather specific information about her, and I came to know she is
the Top Papilllon Breeder in the KC Breeder Stakes Competion, and 2nd in the Toy group. I emailed her to confirm, and I found out she is
also the No. 7 breeder of all breeds and the owner/handler/breeder of the Top Puppy UK 2011, Spinillons Rebel Rowser JW.
What makes our friendship stand the test of time is her accepting that to me is important who she is as person and that I am not win
driven, She did not feel insulted I did not take note of her exact status in the show world.
Jo also judges conformation and is temperament tester for PAT dogs (pets as therapy). A little more from Jo's own words: "I love my
dogs, I am careful with them and I love the breed since I slept with one in my cot in 1974, lol That’s nearly 38 years. I have won well with
hardly breeding, sometimes with gaps of 2 or 3 years lol and I have had a Top winner from every litter, even with only 2 pups born."
Jo also made history in the breed with her homebred multi champion, Best in Show winner in UK and Ireland, Spinillons Saffire; Saffy
being the youngest ever in England to win her SH CM and is to date the only Papillon and champion to win the CC from the GC.
Jo's list with achievements goes on but most important, she only has a low number of Papillons, all raised as house pets. They are
cared for and loved dearly, and she doesn't exploit them for income. I was set not to place Tiago in a show home but who Jo is as person
and pet owner, ultimately convinced me to give in.

Three days shy of being three months old.
Magnolise Tiago for Spinillons Best in Show, American, Dutch, Danish, Romanian, Luxembourg, Belgium, International, Irish Champion
Tiago at 2 months old. The butterfly I added myself, I no longer have the original photo. He was actually chewing my fingers. Note the sable color so much lighter.
Tiago at 5 months old. Note the sable color getting a rich red (which will get even darker). I just emailed Jo this photo (Tiago being now two years old), and this is her replay: "Awwwwwwwwww he is much darker in red now, only his back has glints of that colour red in, but its unmistakably him lol"
Tiago at 7 months old handled by Hiram Stewart. A handler and person I respect greatly for his ethics.
Tiago at 1 year old in October 2010, handled by Marcy Wrens. Unfortunately he is starting to loose coat, and no
improvement is seen from seven months old. Marcy told us she used lanolin on his coat, which is
a no because it builds up over time and could also give the coat a yellowish tint. Everybody does mistakes
and accidents happen.
If I would have known how things will work out, I would have discouraged Jo to champion him in
US since I no longer show to help her out myself.
Tiago finishing his AKC championship on September 04, 2011, handled by Ellen Perry. Pictured
also her son, the handler Matthew Perry.
His coat is starting to fill back in. Thank you Ellen for looking after Tiago with extra care and
also for passing with him the Canine Good Citizen.
Pictured with his mom, Jo Davidson- Poston, winning Best of Breed and Group 4, two weeks
Tiago's coat is getting better and better. Thank you Jo so much for being wonderful to him!
Since Tiago has been shown only twice over the winter (in three months, due to a severe cold weather) Jo hired a handler in another state. By now his coat is also in very poor shape. Chris Jones singled Tiago out but he went reserve to two majors in the only weekend there were majors in the area. Needing one more major, he moved with Ellen Perry.

October 03, 2011 Photo and note from his mom (finally where he belongs): "Well he's in the driving seat already! It's play, play, play and more play, he's a doll! He loves my girls. Annabelle is watching him closely, Isadora who is usually miss friendly is taking all his toys ( I think she's coming into season as she's acting funny ) and Saffy just has welcomed him like he's always been here. nRebel and Zuzzi keep trying to make him play and chase them, though after Rebel tried to mount him, he kinda is not sure what he was up to, lol Anyway, hope you enjoy the photo (sorry he is un-groomed). He is a real ham but let's hope he doesn’t try eat the remote control again as I need my Sky TV and Animal Planet channel lol."
October 05, 2011 "Is this love............. My two handsome boys." Tiago is pictured with Daniel, Jo's oldest son. Daniel handled Tiago and won with him Best Fringing in Show at South Wales, UK, where they competed against 193 Papillons and Phalens.