Owner: Christine Mullen Co-owner: Ruxandra Levado Breeder: Ruxandra Levado
Pictured at 15 months old.
Tucker lives, and is greatly enjoyed and loved by Christine Mullen and her husband, the AKC judge, Richard Mullen. I wasn't going to place
Tucker in a show home but Christine is one of those people who won't take no for an answer :)
Christine first introduced herself to me at the September Atlanta cluster in 2008, the weekend Juno finished his championship. She fell in
love with Juno that weekend, and we've been in touch ever since. After exchanging a number of emails and phone calls, and after getting to
know Christine better as a person, I gave in. Tucker moved with her in January of 2010. I maintained Tucker's co-ownership, and we both
agreed through a notarized contract, to never stud him out and to breed to him strictly to our solely owned girls, but not prior to his championship.
However, Christine mainly wanted a beautiful Papillon with a great personality to enjoy, as she is now retired. Beauty and conformation
were also important to her because she wanted to be able to show him every now and then when joining her husband at dog shows. According to
the feedback received from Christine, God granted her in Tucker both, beauty and personality. So far she entered Tucker at five dog shows, with
all results on the News page. Christine has been showing and breeding Papillons in the past, but currently only owns two girls, both spayed.
Christine is also a holistic nutritionist, her late Paps having lived for 18 years.
About Tucker's personality I cannot say much myself, as I have not seen him since the day Christine and Richard picked him up. I will copy and
paste down the page a few notes I received from Christine.

May 29, 2011
"We are back from Alaska, Tucker had a great time. He actually met a moose that was walking through the yard. Because of his
Service Dog status, he is allowed just about any place that we go. This weekend we are in Baton Rouge, Los Angeles, Richard is
judging an Obedience Trial here. I had never been in a casino before, we stayed in one of the hotels with a casino and didn't have a
bit of trouble having Tucker with us. He had his first experience with the ocean and loved running through the water.
I get such wonderful compliments about him! His coat is getting fuller, fringes still need more maturing but they are so superior
to most Papillon fringes.
Richard truly enjoys him. Gets a big tick out of Tuckers antics, like chasing Sea Gulls, making his own agility course in the hotel
rooms (jumping from bed to bed around the room under the chair, over the chair, etc.) stealing things out of his suitcase (socks,
tooth brush etc). The boy has brains and Richard loves it, as do I.
He receives compliments every where we go. Last weekend we were in Orlando Florida, Richard was judging conformation
Friday - Sunday. We attended some judges educational seminars on Thursday and Tucker, as always, went along. He sits on my lap
watching every thing that goes on. The judges there were very complementary. Gets me steamed up to start showing."
December 19, 2011
"I want to tell you about some of the experiences that I have had with my wonderful friend Tucker. I don't think you realize how
lovely he and all of your dogs are. It becomes obvious to me when I take Tucker places, like the airport, dog shows (just watching
as Richard judges) or just walking down the street.
We, Tucker, myself and Richard went to Rhode Island last week for a judging assignment. As you know, Tucker always goes with
me. He is now a Service Dog, and he is allowed into just about any place that I go. While going through the security check point three
people asked me if they could hold him because he was so beautiful.
I later took him out before boarding and had to return through the check point again. Once again people commented on how
lovely he was. At the hotel, again he caused quite a stir with people in the lobby and walking him in and out of the hotel for potty
I had a man stop me to ask me if Tucker was a Papillon because he didn't look like his Papillons.... Sitting ringside with Tucker on my
lap with other Paps around us, people passing by stop to visit with him and ignore the other Paps. He is so lovely in comparison to
the other paps. There are other paps with fringe, so its not only the fringe, it's something more that draws people to him.
I can't thank you enough for placing him with me. He is the biggest joy in my life."
Here is baby Tucker at 19 days old.
Tucker at 5-6 month old. Pictures received from Christine.
Magnolise Tucker of Sunbelt American Champion