Golden Leafs Vision Best in Show, Swedish and American Champion
Owner: Ruxandra Levado
Living and loved by: Debbie Kendal
Breeder: Lena Hellborg
Vision was one of the two Papillons I found strikingly beautiful during my Papillon search in 2004-2005, when I looked up websites of Papillon
breeders from all over the world. It didn't cross my mind Vision himself will be mine one day. I contacted his breeder Lena Hellborg of Golden Leafs
Papillons hoping she will trust me with one of her puppies sometimes in the future, because I saw consistency in beauty in all of her Papillons,
increasing the chances for a puppy to mature like her grown-ups. I felt it was worth to wait to get it right if I was going so far price wise, especially
since I only wanted a pet.
I had no showing or breeding ambitions. I wanted a well bred, beautiful and healthy Papillon puppy to love and cherish, mainly because of my
exhausting previous experience with my pet store purchase Sunny (his story will be published soon under Care). I was now set to go to any extent
to get it right.
Being in touch with Lena by email almost daily for over an year, we became good friends. In 2007 she trusted me with Vision himself, knowing that I
am not a kennel, and Vision will continue to live the life of a pet with me. I also promised her I will show him to his American championship as Lena is
a dedicated champion Papillon breeder, having bred the most Papillon champions in Sweden compared to the number of puppies bred.
Vision was already championed by Lena in Sweden, with a Best in Show, and Best in Show 2nd, placements. His ancestors are of the same rank.
His great grand sire Tussalud Story Teller won Crufts (the greatest dog show in the world) three years in a row from 1995-1997. His great grand
sire, Golden Leafs Archie, also bred by Lena, is the Topwinner of all times in Norway. Archie's sire Golden Leafs Popeye also bred by Lena, was
Best In Show fourteen times, the record for any Papillon in Scandinavia. As promised, I also put the American championship title on Vision handling
him myself, fulfilling my contract with Lena. I actually learned to show with Vision.
At his first major show in Perry, GA on May 10, 2007, the judge Mrs. Charlotte P. Patterson who gave him Best of Winners, came to me
afterwards, asking me where I got him from, and telling me she would have placed him Best of Breed over the Nr. 1 Papillon in the nation, if Vision
would have been willing to look at her while she tried to get his attention in the ring.
The owners/handlers of the Nr. 1 Papillon also approached me at the show, telling me Vision could be easily the Nr 1 Papillon in our nation if I'd be
interested to special him. What I never told them, I was tempted to go for it. A few days afterwards I called them to offer them to handle him as
special for the following year, but as I was dialing their number it occurred to me he would have to also be shown on Saturday. Being Sabbath
keeper and God the most important thing in my life, I hung up right before it rang. And so my short ambition died.
At the time of this note, almost five years later, Vision is living as cherished pet with my wonderful friend Debbie Kendal. Debbie is also the mom of
one of Vision's daughters, Gizzy. Vision is very protective of his food even when nobody is interested in his meal. As a result he engaged into a shot
dispute with a visiting dog over a piece of cheese and the visitor punctured one of his eyes. He still has some vision left in the eye but it shrank to s
ome degree.
To avoid any future accidents I decided he would be safer in a home with no more than one Pap. I am still Vision's owner on AKC papers, but him and
Gizzy are Debbie's only babies and the center of her life. Ensuring that each Pap God entrusts me with feels loved and treasured, is more important
than gathering all the beauties in my home. Their happiness and safety is first on my list, everything else will fall into place as God sees fit.

Vision at 9 1/2 weeks old. Pictures received from Lena Hellborg.
At the same show on Sunday, winning his third major, 5 point, under Mr. Jordan L Chamberlain.
In June 2007 on a Friday, winning his second major in Orlando, FL under Mr. Larry C Abbott.
After he moved with me in early 2007. On the right Vision was resting while I as was watching TV. He is a very snuggling and affectionate boy. He loves to sit
in your lap, or to come and rub his head against your leg and hand, just like a kitten. He is not into mischief at all, but does have a very proud attitude towards
other pups, something Melody also inherited from him.
He seldom engages into playing with others, but walks between them like a king. He also likes to protect his food bowl even though nobody else is trying to eat
at the same time with him (another habit Melody inherited from him).
At our first show, in the spring of 2007. I had to take him off the podium myself once the picture was taken, because he enjoyed the attention so much, he was not willing to jump off the podium.
On the left he is in my kitchen as an adult. That's what it takes to grow fringes if they are given raw bones. On the left he is in Sweden at 13 months old.
Pictures taken in Sweden by Lena Hellborg. Lena is also a breeder who only keeps at home no more than five-six adults.
They are all raised in the house as pets, even though she is one of the most successful Papillon breeders, worldwide. To date she bred
23 Best in Show placers and 41 champions (many of them multi champions). Her girl, Golden Leafs Miracle, is Nr. 1 in the Top Ten
Papillons in Sweden on 2011, owner handled.
Yet Lena was never greedy to exploit her pups by raising a larger number of Papillons for an increased financial gain. Personally, I
think that is one of the reasons why God has blessed her breeding program.
His American championship certificate.